我有一个 xml 节点:

<p>Results of a national survey of 18-35 year old Americans revealed that the next generation of homebuyers are more knowledgeable, responsible and savvy.</p> <p>The Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate survey showed that the housing market positively impacted Generation X and Y, which accounts for an estimated 103 million Americans. Seventy-seven percent of the Generation X and Y Americans who were surveyed reported that they have become increasingly knowledgeable about homeownership as a result of increased media coverage that has highlighted real estate topics over the past six years.</p> <p>&quot;Every generation faces defining economic events that alter their collective perspective,&quot; said Sherry Chris, president and CEO of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate LLC. &quot;&#39;The Greatest Generation&#39; was shaped by the Great Depression and Baby Boomers were impacted by the oil crises throughout the 1970s. Gen X and Gen Y experienced their &#39;coming of age&#39; moment during the largest housing market downturn in American history.&quot;</p> <p>According to the survey, the two younger generations of potential homebuyers aren&#39;t discouraged from buying homes as a result of the financial turmoil the country has went through in the past several years. The two generations reported that they have become more knowledgeable about homeownership not being something they deserve, but it&#39;s something they must earn.</p> <p>The survey also showed that close to all of those surveyed were willing to adjust their lifestyles in order to save up for a home by eating out less, working a second job or even moving back home with their parents.</p> <p>The housing market is on the rise, despite President Obama&#39;s claims that congressional Republicans have held up legislation proposed to lower lending rates for millions of borrowers.</p>

我想删除所有的 html 标签。我只想作为纯文本。

注意我不想将此 xml 用作 rssFeeds 但谷歌阅读器将所有标签显示<p>为文本而不是 HTML任何 IEDA 为什么?


2 回答 2



xmlstrict,但是htmlnot strict因为html可以有一些没有 a 的标签,closing tag这是xml.

如果你只想替换标签,你可以使用regex而不是html parser

foreach(var elm in doc.Elements(description))

于 2012-10-23T16:29:12.663 回答

要使您的HTML节目在 Google 阅读器中格式化,您应该<![CDATA[ ]]>desription.

                <p>Results of a national survey of 18-35 year old Americans revealed that the next generation of homebuyers are more knowledgeable, responsible and savvy.</p> <p>The Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate survey showed that the housing market positively impacted Generation X and Y, which accounts for an estimated 103 million Americans. Seventy-seven percent of the Generation X and Y Americans who were surveyed reported that they have become increasingly knowledgeable about homeownership as a result of increased media coverage that has highlighted real estate topics over the past six years.</p> <p>&quot;Every generation faces defining economic events that alter their collective perspective,&quot; said Sherry Chris, president and CEO of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate LLC. &quot;&#39;The Greatest Generation&#39; was shaped by the Great Depression and Baby Boomers were impacted by the oil crises throughout the 1970s. Gen X and Gen Y experienced their &#39;coming of age&#39; moment during the largest housing market downturn in American history.&quot;</p> <p>According to the survey, the two younger generations of potential homebuyers aren&#39;t discouraged from buying homes as a result of the financial turmoil the country has went through in the past several years. The two generations reported that they have become more knowledgeable about homeownership not being something they deserve, but it&#39;s something they must earn.</p> <p>The survey also showed that close to all of those surveyed were willing to adjust their lifestyles in order to save up for a home by eating out less, working a second job or even moving back home with their parents.</p> <p>The housing market is on the rise, despite President Obama&#39;s claims that congressional Republicans have held up legislation proposed to lower lending rates for millions of borrowers.</p>


如果要转换HTMLText. 使用HTML Agility Pack,您可以将其作为NuGet 包获取。然后,您可以使用ConvertHtmlAgility Pack 为您提供的方法。

var plainText = HtmlToText.ConvertHtml(htmlNodeText);
于 2012-10-23T16:32:45.753 回答