val l = List(1,2,3,4).toIterator
def myPersonnalMultiply(number:Int) = number * 2
对于这个列表,我希望我的迭代器评估返回 '8'
我开始尝试使用 a yield
val result = for (
e <- l
computation = myPersonnalMultiply(e)
if ((l.hasNext) == false) yield computation
实际上,等效于 myPersonallMultiply 函数等于执行可能需要当前状态或要计算的先前状态的模拟。
我的模拟器的 states 函数返回 state 的迭代器:
def states(implicit aprng: Random = new Random): Iterator[State] = {
// Initial State loaded from file
val loadedState = initState(this.getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("init-situation.txt"))
val territory = computeTerritory(loadedState)
def simulationStep(state: State): State = {
// 3b - Apply on each city the function evolveCity() which contain the sequence of action for each city
// and return a list of tuple (city, exchange) which represent a new state at time t+1 for these cities
val evolved =
state.cities.map {
city => evolveCity(city.id, state.cities, territory(city.id), state.date)
// 4 - take only the first object (cities) in the list "evolved"
new State {
val cities = evolved.map { case(city, _) => city }
val date = state.date + 1
def ended(state: State) = {
val maxInnov = maxInnovation(state.cities)
val maxCity = maxCities(state.cities)
// 3a - Break the simulation loop if one of these conditions is true
state.date >= 4000 || /*maxPop > 70.0 || */ maxInnov > maxInnovation
// 1 - Launch the recursive simulation loop with initial loaded step, a the date 1
val initialState: State = new State {
val cities = loadedState
val date = 1
Iterator.iterate(initialState)(simulationStep).takeWhile(s => !ended(s))
当您计算每个状态(我的模拟步骤 = 1 个状态)时,您需要在任何地方存储/写入结果,因此我将模拟运行封装到一个 Writer 类中,这里是一个“CSVwriter”。
class CSVWriter(path: String, idExp:Int, seed:Long) {
def apply(s: Simulation)(implicit aprng: Random) = {
val writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(path)))
// TODO: Reader Nomad ? http://mergeconflict.com/reading-your-future/
// Run stepWriter on each state, and write the result
// Actually this code run the writer but don't return the final state ...
try {
writer.append("v_idn, v_exp, v_ticks, v_seed, v_pop" + "\n")
s.states.foreach(stepWriter(_, writer))
} finally writer.close
def stepWriter(dataToWrite: State, writer: Writer) = {
writer.synchronized {
val cities = dataToWrite.cities
val year = dataToWrite.date
cities.map {
c => writer.append(List[Any](c.id.toInt, idExp.toInt, year.toInt, seed, c.population).map{_.toString}.mkString(",") + "\n")
1 - 正如你所看到的,在这里,每一步都不需要先前的状态,但在不久的将来,情况就是这样:例如,要在我们的模拟状态 T 中计算我们的城市之间的新交换,我们需要访问在先前状态 T-1 创建的交换器
2 - 我需要返回最后一个状态来为我的模拟计算一些分数,所以我需要 CSVWriter 类写入 s.states 返回的每个状态,并返回计算的最后一个状态。
3 我认为可以为这个问题创建一个更好、更通用的解决方案:也许reader monad
经过一些研究,我发现了monad reader
功能模式,但是如果我在全球范围内了解这种方法的兴趣,我不明白如何翻译我在网上阅读的不同示例(就像这里的第一个示例http://mergeconflict.com /reading-your-future/)解决这个简单的问题。我此时尝试不同的代码但没有成功:/