
struct packet {
    sockaddr_in m_Recv;
    int m_iPacketSize;
    unsigned char* m_ucpPacket;


packet tOutPacket;
tOutPacket.m_Recv = tInPacket.m_Recv;
tOutPacket.m_iPacketSize = 256;
tOutPacket.m_ucpPacket = new unsigned char[256];

// Creating a uuid (not important how it's done, the pointer has 16 bytes)
unsigned char* uuid = NetworkHandlerN::ConnectionData::createUUID(hardware_hash);
NetworkHandlerN::PacketHandler::addUUIDToPacket(tOutPacket.m_ucpPacket, uuid);
delete[] uuid;

UDPsend(tOutPacket.m_Recv, tOutPacket.m_ucpPacket, tOutPacket.m_iPacketSize);

/* Delete pointer */
delete[] tOutPacket.m_ucpPacket; // This is causing an error

这是我的 UDPsend 方法:

bool NBsocket::UDPsend(sockaddr_in& AddrSento, const unsigned char* cucpBuffer, int iSize)
    if(sendto(m_iSocket, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(cucpBuffer), iSize, 0, (sockaddr*) &AddrSento, sizeof(AddrSento)) == -1) {
        m_iErrorCode = 6;
        return false;

    return true;

这是 addUUIDToPacket 方法:

static void addUUIDToPacket(unsigned char* ucpPacket, unsigned char* ucpChar) 
    for(int i = 0; i < ciUUIDSize; i++) {
        ucpPacket[ciHeaderSize+i] = ucpChar[i];

首先,我以为我在tOutPacket.m_ucpPacket某处删除了指针,但我检查了它。如果我像这样(在 之前delete[])对存储在里面的数据进行测试:

if(tOutPacket.m_ucpPacket[tOutPacket.m_iPacketSize-1] == 0x08) 
    std::cout << "0x08";

它工作得很好(是的,值应该是 0x08)


    ntdll.dll!77dcfadc()    Unknown
    [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for ntdll.dll] 
    ntdll.dll!77db4f92()    Unknown
    ntdll.dll!77d926fc()    Unknown
    ntdll.dll!77dd0b37()    Unknown
    ntdll.dll!77d8a967()    Unknown
>   msvcp110.dll!std::_Fputc<char>(char _Byte, _iobuf * _File) Line 83  C++
    msvcp110.dll!std::basic_filebuf<char,std::char_traits<char> >::overflow(int _Meta) Line 383 C++
    msvcp110.dll!std::basic_streambuf<char,std::char_traits<char> >::xsputn(const char * _Ptr, __int64 _Count) Line 406 C++


希望可以有人帮帮我。如果需要,我可以添加该/* add data to packet */部分,但这将是更多代码。



static void addToPacket(unsigned char* ucpPacket, int iInt, int iPos) 
    ucpPacket[iPos+0] = iInt & 0xFF;
    ucpPacket[iPos+1] = iInt >> 8 & 0xFF;
    ucpPacket[iPos+2] = iInt >> 8 & 0xFF;
    ucpPacket[iPos+3] = iInt >> 8 & 0xFF;



1 回答 1


Before trying to actually find the bug and its cause, consider whether you have to use new[] and delete[].

  1. Is the size fixed at 256? can you just put a regular array in your struct? It's not exactly that big.

  2. Assuming not, can you use std::vector<unsigned char> ?

  3. Failing that can you use boost::shared_array<unsigned char> ? You'll have to also put in the size as a separate element (e.g. iPacketSize). For this you will still call new[] but the delete[] will be taken care of. You will have to hold on to this shared_array object as long as you require the memory it uses.

What does createUUID do? It returns unsigned char * but who owns this memory?

At what point does the data you send get copied? At the call sendto ?

于 2012-10-23T15:22:32.977 回答