我已经在我的 BigCommerce 商店中实现了 Nivo Slider。当我开始使用 Express Checkout 选项结帐时,它会导致“未定义:ExpressCheckout”错误,不允许用户完成结帐。

我联系了 BigCommerce 支持,他们说这很可能是我的滑块有问题,我需要删除与此滑块相关的所有 javascript 实例。

在这样做之前,我想看看其他人是否遇到了 BigCommerce 的这个问题,或者我的 javascript 是否不正确?

此外,如果您有任何资源可以调试或检查我的 javascript,这也会很有用。

链接如下:http ://teaetc.mybigcommerce.com/

  1. 转到 T 型 > 绿色
  2. 将产品添加到购物车
  3. 继续结帐
  4. 尝试以访客身份结账




1 回答 1


I've recently run into this issue on my sandbox version of a site that was just handed to me: https://medicalsupplies.eppmo.com/checkout.php#

We cannot checkout either. I'm attempting to remove all notations of any slider right now, but my boss said he's run across this before due to slider issues as well.

I know this issue is old, but I'll post any finds if I make any progress, because I found this thread by searching for the same issue. Might help someone else out.

If anyone else has an idea on this, feel free to hop on my link and try to check out and let me know if you have any input. Thanks :)

于 2013-06-07T14:33:24.040 回答