I have a partial solution for you - the following piece of Forms PL/SQL code will return the IP address of the application server :-
v_ip_address varchar2(20);
select SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','IP_ADDRESS') into v_ip_address from dual;
The caveat to this functionality is that the Form / Report must be connected to a database to use this, as it uses a database function. However, it will always return the IP address of the application server, not the database server; and has been tested where these are on different boxes.
SYS_CONTEXT is an Oracle database function (confirmed available in 9i, 10g and 11g) which returns the value of a parameter associated with the context namespace; it comes with a built-in namespace USERENV. This namespace has a number of interesting and useful parameters; see http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14200/functions165.htm#g1513460 for details.
The specific parameter being used here - IP_ADDRESS - returns the IP address of the connected client, which from the database's point of view is the application server, as this is where the Form / Report is actually executing - so you get what you need :) This should work for Reports as well as Forms, although I have not tested this.
I can't see a way of getting the port number, I'm afraid - but hopefully the above should help you.