我需要通过互联网发送大约 30 个字符的字符串,这可能最终会成为另一家公司数据库中的 ID。
在 .NET 中混淆这样一个字符串的最简单方法是什么,以便在必要时可以轻松地反转它?
我需要通过互联网发送大约 30 个字符的字符串,这可能最终会成为另一家公司数据库中的 ID。
在 .NET 中混淆这样一个字符串的最简单方法是什么,以便在必要时可以轻松地反转它?
public static string Caesar(this string source, Int16 shift)
var maxChar = Convert.ToInt32(char.MaxValue);
var minChar = Convert.ToInt32(char.MinValue);
var buffer = source.ToCharArray();
for (var i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
var shifted = Convert.ToInt32(buffer[i]) + shift;
if (shifted > maxChar)
shifted -= maxChar;
else if (shifted < minChar)
shifted += maxChar;
buffer[i] = Convert.ToChar(shifted);
return new string(buffer);
var plain = "Wibble";
var caesered = plain.Caesar(42);
var newPlain = caesered.Caesar(-42);
Try encrypting it with for example AES, if you know the encrypt key on the other machine you can easily decrypt it there
There are many code samples around. For example i found this post by a quick search, even though it's only 128 bit i think it should do the trick
我受到@Jodrell 的回答的启发,这是我的替代版本。唯一真正的区别是我使用模运算符而不是 if-then-else 构造。
public static partial class MString
/// <summary>
/// Method to perform a very simple (and classical) encryption for a string. This is NOT at
/// all secure, it is only intended to make the string value non-obvious at a first glance.
/// The shiftOrUnshift argument is an arbitrary "key value", and must be a non-zero integer
/// between -65535 and 65535 (inclusive). To decrypt the encrypted string you use the negative
/// value. For example, if you encrypt with -42, then you decrypt with +42, or vice-versa.
/// This is inspired by, and largely based on, this:
/// https://stackoverflow.com/a/13026595/253938
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inputString">string to be encrypted or decrypted, must not be null</param>
/// <param name="shiftOrUnshift">see above</param>
/// <returns>encrypted or decrypted string</returns>
public static string CaesarCipher(string inputString, int shiftOrUnshift)
// Check C# is still C#
Debug.Assert(char.MinValue == 0 && char.MaxValue == UInt16.MaxValue);
const int C64K = UInt16.MaxValue + 1;
// Check the arguments
if (inputString == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Must not be null.", "inputString");
if (shiftOrUnshift == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Must not be zero.", "shiftOrUnshift");
if (shiftOrUnshift <= -C64K || shiftOrUnshift >= C64K)
throw new ArgumentException("Out of range.", "shiftOrUnshift");
// Perform the Caesar cipher shifting, using modulo operator to provide wrap-around
char[] charArray = new char[inputString.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < inputString.Length; i++)
charArray[i] =
Convert.ToChar((Convert.ToInt32(inputString[i]) + shiftOrUnshift + C64K) % C64K);
// Return the result as a new string
return new string(charArray);
// Test CaesarCipher() method
const string CHelloWorld = "Hello world!";
const int CCaesarCipherKey = 42;
string caesarCiphered = MString.CaesarCipher(CHelloWorld, CCaesarCipherKey);
if (MString.CaesarCipher(caesarCiphered, -CCaesarCipherKey) != CHelloWorld)
throw new Exception("Oh no!");