# Data
prompt: .asciiz "\n\nEnter up to 10 characters: " # Prompt asking for user input
newLine: .asciiz "\n" # Newline character
theString: .asciiz " " # A ten character string initially filled with whitespace
# Text
##### Procedure: Main
##### Info: Asks user for input, gets input, and then call
##### procedures to manipulate the input and output.
# Print Prompt
la $a0, prompt # Load address of prompt from memory into $a0
li $v0, 4 # Load Opcode: 4 (print string)
syscall # Init syscall
# Read User Input into address of theString
la $a0,theString # Load address of theString into syscall argument a0
li $a1,11 # Load sizeOfInput+1 into syscall argument a1
li $v0,8 # Load Opcode: 8 (Read String)
# Define total num of chars
li $s7,10 # s7 upper index
# Call procedures
jal uppercase
jal sort
jal print
j exit
############################################# main END #######################################################
##### Procedure: uppercase
##### Info: Loops through the ten elements of chars gathered from
##### user input and if ascii is in range between 97
##### and 122, it will subtract 32 and store back
la $s0, theString # Load base address to theString into $t0
add $t6,$zero,$zero # Set index i = 0 ($t6)
# Check for sentinal val and if true
# branch to done to jump back to ra
beq $t6,$s7,done
# Load Array[i]
add $s2,$s0,$t6 #
lb $t1,0($s2)
# if char is within lowercase
# range.
sgt $t2,$t1,96
slti $t3,$t1,123
and $t3,$t2,$t3
# else, don't store byte
beq $t3,$zero,isUpper
addi $t1,$t1,-32
sb $t1, 0($s2)
# increment and Jump back
addi $t6,$t6,1
j lupper
############################################# uppercase END ##################################################
##### Procedure: sort
##### Info: Bubble sorts whatever is contained within
##### theString based on ascii values
# Initialize incrementer for outer
# loop
add $t0,$zero,$zero
# Outer Loop
# Check for sentinal val and if true
# branch to done
beq $t0,$s7,done
# Initialize upper bound of inner
# loop ( 10 - i - 1 )
sub $t7,$s7,$t0
addi $t7,$t7,-1
# Initialize incrementer for inner
# loop
add $t1,$zero,$zero
# Inner Loop
# Check for sentinal val and if true
# branch to continue
beq $t1,$t7,continue
# Load Array[i] and Array[i+1]
add $t6,$s0,$t1
lb $s1,0($t6)
lb $s2,1($t6)
# If ascii(Array[i]) > ascii(Array[i+1])
# then swap and store
sgt $t2, $s1,$s2
# Else, don't swap and store
beq $t2, $zero, good
sb $s2,0($t6)
sb $s1,1($t6)
# increment and Jump back
addi $t1,$t1,1
j jLoop
# increment and Jump back
addi $t0,$t0,1
j loop
############################################# sort END #######################################################
##### Procedure: Print
##### Info: Prints whatever is stored inside theString
# Print a new line
la $a0,newLine
li $v0,4
# Initialize incrementer for loop
add $t6,$zero,$zero # Set index i = 0 $t6
# Check for sentinal val and if true
# branch to done
beq $t6,$s7,done
# Load Array[i] into t1 and print
add $t1,$s0,$t6
lb $a0, 0($t1) # Load argument
li $v0, 11 # Load opcode
syscall # Call syscall
# increment and Jump back
addi $t6,$t6,1
j lprint
############################################# print END ######################################################
##### Procedure: done
##### Info: Jumps to $ra. Only one procedure is needed to jump back to ra
jr $ra