I have an app that crashes on build.

I'm told to set the "Other Linker Flags" to -ObjC. Fine.. but

in Xcode's Build settings, I don't see "Other Linker Flags", I see "Other_LDFLAGS".

So, what is the difference, and how do I change from one to the other if necessary?

A picture is worth.... so.. what I'm told I need:

enter image description here

and what I have:

enter image description here


1 回答 1


这些是同一回事。一个是另一个的同义词。如果您在 Xcode 4.5 的检查器中单击快速帮助,当您选择了“其他链接器标志”时,它会告诉您它设置了“OTHER_LDFLAGS”设置。“其他链接器标志”是人类可读的版本,OTHER_LDFLAGS是链接器使用的实际变量名称。

于 2012-10-23T05:09:40.720 回答