我正在使用 MAMP 本地 Apache 和 mySQL 服务器测试应用程序,但是我的代码似乎没有通过 jQuery ajax 函数正确传递数据,因为我在成功输出中不断获得“空”值。我不确定使用本地服务器和 jQuery ajax 通常是否有问题,或者我的代码有问题。这里供参考:

JS 文件:

var curX = 2;
var curY = 6;

function boundary(moveX, moveY) {
var world = document.getElementById('overworld');
    type: "POST",
    url: "php/tilecheck.php",
    dataType: "json",
    data: {x: curX + moveX, y: curY + moveY},
    success: function(data) {
        curX += moveX;
        curY += moveY;

        var left = data.lefttile;
        var right = data.righttile;
        var top = data.toptile;
        var bot = data.bottomtile;
        var xypos = document.getElementById("coord");
        xypos.innerText = curX + ", " + curY;

        if(left == 1){
            $("#aleft").css('display', 'none');
        else {
            $("#aleft").css('display', '');
        if(right == 1){
            $("#aright").css('display', 'none');
        else {
            $("#aright").css('display', '');

        if(top == 1){
            $("#atop").css('display', 'none');
        else {
            $("#atop").css('display', '');
        if(bot == 1){
            $("#abottom").css('display', 'none');
        else {
            $("#abottom").css('display', '');
        world.style.marginTop = -curX * 351 +"px";
        world.style.marginLeft = -curY * 351 +"px";

我在 html 文件中调用 onload :

    <script src="jquery-1.8.2.js"></script>
    <script src="game/bound.js"></script>
<body onload="boundary(0,0);">

这是我在 ajax 函数中调用的“tilecheck.php”代码:

    mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'root') or die ('Error Connecting');
    mysql_select_db('testing_db') or die ('No Database');

    $x = $_REQUEST['x'];
    $y = $_REQUEST['y'];

    $q = "SELECT bound FROM tiles WHERE xpos = ".($x - 1)." AND ypos = $y LIMIT 1";
    $lefttile = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($q));

    $q = "SELECT bound FROM tiles WHERE xpos = ".($x + 1)." AND ypos = $y LIMIT 1";
    $righttile = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($q));

    $q = "SELECT bound FROM tiles WHERE xpos = $x AND ypos = ".($y - 1)." LIMIT 1";
    $toptile = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($q));

    $q = "SELECT bound FROM tiles WHERE xpos = $x AND ypos = ".($y + 1)." LIMIT 1";
    $bottomtile = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($q));

    $json = array(
    "x" => $x,
    "y" => $y,
    "lefttile" => $lefttile, "righttile" => $righttile,
    "toptile" => $toptile, "bottomtile" => $bottomtile

$output = json_encode($json);
echo $output;




我稍微摆弄了一下代码,将 ajax 函数更改为一个帖子:

$.post('php/tilecheck.php', {x: curX + moveX, y: curY + moveY}, function(data) {

并将 php 中的 $_REQUEST 更改为 $_POST。运行此脚本时的控制台显示:


当变量传递“1”(我在 mySQL 中调用的绑定行的值)时,相应的箭头应该消失。但是,当我警告我定义的变量(var left = data.lefttile)并且控制台显示的变量已定义(在本例中为 1)时,它显示为“未定义”。我不确定为什么。谢谢你。


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