This could be an embarassingly easy quesiton but If I search the following using the find dialogue of VS2010 with \{.*?\} I don't find anything even though it should find { return Stock ==5;}

    internal bool IsUnableToBeSet //{}
        get { return Stock == 5; }

if I search this in NotePad++ it works. What am I doing wrong in the VS2010 environment? (I've unchecked all options except for "Use Regular expressions" )


I've just read the coding horror site for VS2005 but is this still the case and can I convert the expressions easily?


1 回答 1


VS2010 仍然有自定义的正则表达式语法,但是 VS2012 已经切换到标准语法。对于 VS2010,您想要的查询是

于 2012-10-22T21:09:16.353 回答