也许我在某个地方犯了一个愚蠢的错误。我在 Apache Cordova 2.1.1 上运行,我在一个名为的文件中有一个函数,该函数upload.js
基本上显示相机视图,并在通过 AJAX 请求上传照片完成后调用回调函数。
var Upload = {
// The callback function that will be invoked with either link or error
callback_func: null,
// file is from a <input> tag or from Drag'n Drop
upload: function(file, callback_func) {
// Set up the callback first
Upload.callback_func = callback_func;
// Checking if the file selected
if(!file || file.length < 1) {
console.log("Error no File");
Upload.callback_func(null, WRONG_FILE_FORMAT_ERROR);
} else {
// Upload the file
// Callup the callback
Upload.callback_func(img_url, "Success!!");
现在在浏览器中测试时它会正确调用回调,但是在android设备中测试时它说 callback_func 是undefined
我称这个函数为Upload.upload(self.image_data, self.onImageUploaded);