I am trying to exclude some rows from a datatable based on, let's say, days and month - excluding for example summer holidays, that always begin for example 15th of June and end the 15th of next month. I can extract those days based on Date, but as as.Date function is awfully slow to operate with, I have separate integer columns for Month and Day and I want to do it using only them.
It is easy to select the given entries by
Is there any way how to make "difference" of the two data.tables
(the original ones and the ones I selected). (Why not subset? Maybe I am missing something simple, but I don't want to exclude days like 10/6, 31/7.)
I am aware of a way to do it with join, but only day by day
setkey(DT, Month, Day)
DT[-DT[J(Month,Day), which= TRUE]]
Can anyone help how to solve it in more general way?