I have a question about restricting the Admin Console access in version 4.0.3. I would like the admin console to be accessed only from the server in which WSO2 ESB is installed and not from the machines outside.

In tomcat I can do that using the address attribute of the Connector element in the server.xml

like this:

Connector port="8080" address=""

The issue is I am not finding the server.xml within the 4.0.3 directory strcutre.

I found the file catalina-server.xml under wso2esb-4.5.0/repository/conf/tomcat in the latest version. I am not finding a similar file within 4.0.3 however.


1 回答 1


早些时候,它使用 mgt-transports.xml 文件在 ESB_HOME/repository/conf 中进行传输配置。在对 tomcat 层进行改进后,将其作为适当的 OSGi 捆绑包添加到新版本中,tomcat 配置直接提供给用户进行调整

于 2012-10-22T16:45:19.347 回答