刚开始使用 GUI Windows 编程。我在 Visual Studio C++ Wondows Forms 中工作。
我已经想出了如何获取鼠标坐标并将它们转储到双点坐标变量中,但是当我尝试访问 X 和 Y 值来操作它们时,我得到了......
error C2248: 'System::Drawing::Point::x' : cannot access private member declared in class 'System::Drawing::Point'
Point 变量称为 firstPoint,我正在尝试使用 firstPoint.X 和 firstPoint.Y 访问这些值。我想这不是正确的方法。
如何将值转换为 int 以便我可以弄乱它?Convert::ToInt32(firstPoint.x) 是引发错误的原因。
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
unsigned char ucRed, ucGrn, ucBlu;
bool drawing;
Point firstPoint, finalPoint;
//int iShape, iX1,iY1,iX2,iY2;
private: System::Void panel1_Paint_1(System::Object^ sender, System::Windows::Forms::PaintEventArgs^ e)
Graphics^ g = e->Graphics;
//create an ellipse with
// Black color
// start position = firstPoint mouse coordinate
// width = difference between firstPoint and finalPoint, height = difference between firstPoint and finalPoint