我正在创建一个与服务器上的数据库交互的 j2me 应用程序。因此我启动了一个线程来连接到服务器。我在一个单独的类中处理我的所有命令操作,该类实现CommandListener
//my network worker class.
public class NetworkConnector implements Runnable {
public NetworkConnector(String url){
//url =>server url to connect to.
Thread thread = new Thread(this);
private String serverReply="";
private String url="
//method to connect to the server and return the
//response from the server.
public String sendData(String serverUrl) {
//open streams to connect to the Server.
httpConn = (HttpConnection)
Connector.open(serverUrl,Connector.READ_WRITE, true);
inStream = httpConn.openInputStream();
int read;
while ((read = inStream.read()) != -1) {
sb.append((char) read);
return sb.toString();
public String getServerReply() {
//serverReply is a class variable.
return serverReply;
public void run(){
//call the send method that connects to the server.
serverResponse = sendData(Url);
} //end of connector class.
// this class is where all my Command Actions are
public class CommandActionController implements
CommandListener, DataReceiver {
public void commandAction(Command cmd, Displayable d) {
//networkMgr => is the worker class that makes
//connection to the server.
networkMgr = new NetworkConnector("http://localhost
/JsonPhp/login.php?uname=" + loginUserInfo.userName +
"&passwd=" + loginUserInfo.password);
//here am getting the response from the server.
String serverResponse = networkMgr.getServerReply();
//at this point the ServerReponse String is Empty =>
//yet the server is supposed to return some String.
ServerResponse =" + serverResponse);
}//end of CommandListener class.