RGB = imread(full_img);
GRAY = rgb2gray(RGB);
threshold = graythresh(GRAY);
originalImage = im2bw(GRAY, threshold);
originalImage = bwareaopen(originalImage,250);
SE = strel('disk',10);
IM2 = imclose(originalImage,SE);
originalImage = IM2;
labeledImage = bwlabel(originalImage, 8); % Label each blob so we can make measurements of it
blobMeasurements = regionprops(labeledImage, originalImage, 'all');
numberOfBlobs = length(blobMeasurements);
pixperinch=get(0,'ScreenPixelsPerInch'); %# find resolution of your display
dpix=blobMeasurements(numberOfBlobs).Area; %# calculate distance in pixels
dinch=dpix/pixperinch; %# convert to inches from pixels
dcm=dinch*2.54; %# convert to cm from inches
blobArea = dcm; % Get area.
如果我用不同的相机在相同的条件下拍摄相同的葡萄(从相同的距离和相同的闪电拍摄),我会得到相同的结果吗?(如果我有一个 5 兆像素和 12 兆像素的相机呢?)。