在 LispWorks 中,对随机数向量进行排序比对随机数列表进行排序要快。
(defun test ()
(let* ((list (loop repeat 10000000 collect (random 1000000)))
(vector (coerce list 'vector)))
(time (sort list #'>))
(time (sort vector #'>))
CL-USER 9 > (test)
Timing the evaluation of (SORT LIST (FUNCTION >))
User time = 8.697
System time = 0.027
Elapsed time = 8.626
Allocation = 170168 bytes
145 Page faults
Timing the evaluation of (SORT VECTOR (FUNCTION >))
User time = 5.951
System time = 0.018
Elapsed time = 5.904
Allocation = 120512 bytes
86 Page faults
向量为 5.951 秒,而列表为 8.697 秒。
在 Common Lisp 中,一维数组就是向量。SORT
CL-USER 10 > (vector 'a 'b 'c)
#(A B C)
CL-USER 11 > (describe *)
#(A B C) is a (SIMPLE-VECTOR 3)
0 A
1 B
2 C
CL-USER 12 > (arrayp **)
CL-USER 13 > (typep (vector 'a 'b 'c) '(array symbol (3)))
因此,三个符号的向量也是一个长度为 3 且元素类型为 3 的一维数组SYMBOL
对于我的示例(带有 Intel i7 处理器的 Apple Macbook Air):
Implementation | faster | seconds
LispWorks 64bit | vector | 5.951
Clozure CL 64bit | vector | 6.727
SBCL 1.1 64bit | list | 8.890
CLISP | list | 42.968