I'm using Twitter Bootstrap as my HTML/CSS framework for a Rails site.

Here's my simple search form:

<form class="form-search" id="new_search" method="post">
  <div style="margin:0;padding:0;display:inline">
  <input class="search-query" size="30" type="text">
  <button class="btn" name="button" type="submit">Search</button>

The rendered input box has strange artifacts on the right side (see image below) when rendered in Safari. The problem is not there in Chrome.

Search Input Rendering Bug

Any idea why?


1 回答 1


其他人抱怨在 Mountain Lion 上的 Safari 6.0 中存在类似的渲染问题(请参阅Bootstrap 问题 #4217)。由于在不同的网站上都可以看到它,因此它被标记为 Safari 问题,建议尝试向 Apple 提交错误报告。

于 2012-10-21T15:43:14.080 回答