How does IIS know when to route a requests to the ASP.NET MVC framework and the not the Web Forms framework?

Looking through the Web.config of an MVC project I can't see any modules or handlers that are registered, and nothing the Global.ascx seems to do it. So I am at a bit of a loss as to how the system decides which should be used to route a request.


1 回答 1


在查看 MapRoute 方法后,系统注册了一组路由,这些路由将匹配的请求卸载到 IRouteHandler。IRouteHandler 然后返回一个实际处理最终请求的 IHttpHandler。

到目前为止,这是我的理解,所以它可能不是 100% 正确的。

于 2012-10-21T12:50:19.567 回答