struct {
int i;
} x
x** array = malloc(size of x pointer); // pointer to an array of pointers of type x
int* size = current size of x // (initally 0)
add(array, size);
add(x** array, int* size){ // adds one actual element to the array
x** temp = realloc(array, (*size)+1); // increase the array size by one
array = temp;
// My question is targeted here
array[*size] = malloc(size of x); // makes a pointer to the value
array[*size]->i = size;
我的问题是:一旦 add() 完成,存储在数组中的指针的值是否会随着函数调用堆栈一起消失,因为我在 func() 中分配了它们?我担心他们可能会,在这种情况下,我会有更好的方法来做事吗?