您可以在下面找到我使用的示例,并且对我来说效果很好。我不记得为什么我不继承 HTMLPanel,无论是否有充分的理由。如果您在单个页面中包含多个相同类型的对象,您会注意到一种随机化 html id 的机制。
public abstract class HtmlPanelBase extends Composite
private String _dynPostfix = "";
protected final String id(final String staticId) { return staticId + _dynPostfix; }
private final String wrapId(final String id) { return "id=\"" + id + "\""; }
private final String wrapDynId(final String refId) { return wrapId(id(refId)); }
private String _htmlAsText = null;
public String getHtmlAsText() { return _htmlAsText; }
abstract protected String htmlPanelBundleHtmlText();
abstract protected List<String> idList();
protected HTMLPanel _holder = null;
private HTMLPanel createHtmlPanel(final boolean defineGloballyUniqueIds)
// Referent HTML panel text containing the reference id's.
_htmlAsText = htmlPanelBundleHtmlText();
if (defineGloballyUniqueIds)
// List of id's in the HTML Panel reference page to replace with dynamic/unique id's.
final List<String> refIdList = idList();
// Replace the reference id's with dynamic/unique id's.
for (String refId : refIdList)
_htmlAsText = _htmlAsText.replace(wrapId(refId), wrapDynId(refId));
// Return the HTMLPanel containing the globally unique id's.
return new HTMLPanel(_htmlAsText);
public HtmlPanelBase(final boolean defineGloballyUniqueIds)
private void setup(final boolean defineGloballyUniqueIds)
if (defineGloballyUniqueIds)
_dynPostfix = "_" + UUID.uuid().replace("-", "_");
_holder = createHtmlPanel(defineGloballyUniqueIds);
public class HtmlPanelTemplate extends HtmlPanelBase
private final static boolean _defineGloballyUniqueIds = false;
private final static int _numIdCapacity = 40;
public HtmlPanelTemplate()
protected String htmlPanelBundleHtmlText()
return YourClientBundle.INSTANCE.getYourFileHtml().getText();
protected List<String> idList()
final List<String> idList = new ArrayList<String>(_numIdCapacity);
return idList;
private void setup()