This is some js in one of my views:
var $link = '<a href="\'../EForm/Info?formId=' + data.record.Form.Id + '\',"EForm Details","height=550,width=345");">info</a>';
I want to pop open a new small window when someone clicks on the details of an item on my page. The code above renders this html on the page:
<a href="'../EForm/Info?formId=1',"EForm Details","height=550,width=345");">info</a>
which is only working in chrome (no popup blockers are enabled in IE9 or FF ) what am i doing wrong here?
ok ive updated the markup same issue only works in chrome,
<a href="'../EForm/Info?formId=1','EForm Details','height=550,width=345');">info</a>
Ok think ive got the markup kinda fixed FF and IE are now opening my popup but when they do the parnt window content is replaced with [object] in IE and [Window Object] in FF.... Now what the heck is going on?
<a href="'../EForm/Info?formId=1','EForm_Details','height=550,width=345');">info</a>