我正在尝试编写一个 Haksell Parsec Parser,它将文件中的输入数据解析为 LogLine 数据类型,如下所示:
--Final parser that holds the indvidual parsers.
final :: Parser [LogLine]
final = do{ logLines <- sepBy1 logLine eol
; return logLines
--The logline token declaration
logLine :: Parser LogLine
logLine = do
name <- plainValue -- parse the name (identifier)
many1 space -- parse and throw away a space
args1 <- bracketedValue -- parse the first arguments
many1 space -- throw away the second sapce
args2 <- bracketedValue -- parse the second list of arguments
many1 space --
constant <- plainValue -- parse the constant identifier
weighting <- plainValue --parse the weighting double
return $ LogLine name args1 args2 constant weighting
comments :: Parser String
comments = do
string "--"
comment <- (manyTill anyChar newline)
return ""
final :: Parser [LogLine]
final = do
optional comments
logLines <- sepBy1 logLine (comments<|>newline)
optional comments
return logLines
它编译得很好,但它不解析。我尝试了一些小的修改,但最好的结果是将所有内容解析到第一个评论,所以我开始认为这不是这样做的方法。PS:我见过这个Similar Question,但它与我想要实现的目标略有不同。