在 Visual Studio 2012 中使用 F#,此代码编译:

let ``foo.bar`` = 5


type ``foo.bar`` = class end

Invalid namespace, module, type or union case name

根据F# 语言规范的第 3.4 节:

Any sequence of characters that is enclosed in double-backtick marks (````),
excluding newlines, tabs, and double-backtick pairs themselves, is treated
as an identifier.

token ident =
    | ident-text
    | `` [^ '\n' '\r' '\t']+ | [^ '\n' '\r' '\t'] ``

第 5 节将类型定义为:

type := 
    ( type )
    type -> type       -- function type
    type * ... * type  -- tuple type
    typar              -- variable type
    long-ident         -- named type, such as int
    long-ident<types> -- named type, such as list<int>
    long-ident< >      -- named type, such as IEnumerable< >
    type long-ident    -- named type, such as int list
    type[ , ... , ]    -- array type
    type lazy          -- lazy type
    type typar-defns   -- type with constraints
    typar :> type      -- variable type with subtype constraint
    #type              -- anonymous type with subtype constraint

...并且第 4.2 节将 long-ident 定义为:

long-ident :=  ident '.' ... '.' ident

据我从规范中可以看出,类型是用长标识命名的,长标识可以是标识。由于 idents 支持双反引号引用的标点符号,因此类型似乎也应该如此。



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type ``Foo.Bar``() =  // Dot is not allowed because it represents namespace
    member x.Bar = 0

type ``Foo`1``() =    // Single backtick is used to compile generic types
    member x.Bar = 0

type ``Foo+Bar``() =  // + is used in the name of a nested type
    member x.Bar = 0

上面的示例不允许作为类型名称(因为它们与某些标准含义冲突),但您可以在 let-bindings 中使用它们,因为变量名称没有这样的限制:

let ``foo`1`` = 0
let ``foo.bar`` = 2
let ``foo+bar`` = 1


于 2012-10-20T14:23:58.757 回答