First it's there:

$ pip search pylibpcap
pylibpcap                 - pylibpcap is a python module for the libpcap packet capture library.

Then it's not:

$ pip install pylibpcap
Downloading/unpacking pylibpcap
  Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement pylibpcap
No distributions at all found for pylibpcap
Storing complete log in /home/u0/riley/.pip/pip.log

What gives? I realize there are other ways I can install this package, but why is pip doing this?


2 回答 2


这个答案是对 JF Sebastian 答案的评论,因为它建立在它之上,但是很难复制和粘贴内容。


=> 首先,安装 libpcap

=> 然后:

sudo pip2 install http://ncu.dl.sourceforge.net/project/pylibpcap/pylibpcap/0.6.4/pylibpcap-0.6.4.tar.gz
于 2014-11-19T15:52:24.683 回答

Pip 找到了描述包的元页面,但在上面找不到有效的下载链接。

pylibpcap 的作者可以在 pypi 或其主页的某个位置的包元数据中放置一个指向源 tarball 的链接。

您可以手动提供 tarball 链接,如@mrchampe 链接的答案所示。

于 2012-10-19T23:51:59.917 回答