7764 次
1 回答
这是我对此的看法。使用 grunt 的标准模板机制,页面元数据定义在一个对象中,在实际页面文件之外,正如你所建议的(我不能说我喜欢这个)。
来自使用 grunt concat 的任务,我将如何自动将同一文件连接到许多其他文件?):
/*global module:false*/
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Project configuration.
meta: {
version: '0.1.0',
banner: '/*! PROJECT_NAME - v<%= meta.version %> - ' +
'<%= grunt.template.today("yyyy-mm-dd") %>\n' +
'* http://PROJECT_WEBSITE/\n' +
'* Copyright (c) <%= grunt.template.today("yyyy") %> ' +
'YOUR_NAME; Licensed MIT */'
// Paths
project: {
partials: 'assets/partials', // don't put trailing slash
pages: 'assets/pages', // don't put trailing slash
less: 'assets/less',
css: 'assets/css',
img: 'assets/img',
js: 'assets/js'
// Used for page title and nav generation.
// It's an array to ensure correct order for nav
pages: [{
file: 'index.html',
title: 'My homepage'
/* This format can be extended to something like:
* {
* title: 'My homepage',
* header: 'Welcome to my site',
* navtitle: 'Home'
* }
* Although I think it's best to keep page metadata as close to content as possible,
* i.e. right inside pages files (think YAML headers in Jekyll pages)
}, {
file: 'about.html',
title: 'About me'
}, {
file: 'contact.html',
title: 'Contact'
// wraps files with header and footer
wrap: {
html: {
header: '<%= project.partials %>/head.tmpl',
footer: '<%= project.partials %>/footer.tmpl',
src: [
'<%= project.pages %>/index.html',
'<%= project.pages %>/about.html',
'<%= project.pages %>/contact.html'
dest: '.' // destination *directory*, probably better than specifying same file names twice
// processes templates in page files
buildPages: {
pages: '<config:pages>', // page files metadata
dir: '.' // page files location dir
// Default task.
grunt.registerTask('default', 'wrap buildPages');
grunt.registerMultiTask('wrap', 'Wraps source files with specified header and footer', function() {
var data = this.data,
path = require('path'),
dest = grunt.template.process(data.dest),
files = grunt.file.expandFiles(this.file.src),
header = grunt.file.read(grunt.template.process(data.header)),
footer = grunt.file.read(grunt.template.process(data.footer)),
sep = grunt.utils.linefeed;
files.forEach(function(f) {
var p = dest + '/' + path.basename(f),
contents = grunt.file.read(f);
grunt.file.write(p, header + sep + contents + sep + footer);
grunt.log.writeln('File "' + p + '" created.');
grunt.registerTask('buildPages', 'Processes templates in page files', function() {
// NOTE: current implementation replaces files
var data = grunt.config('buildPages'),
pages = data.pages,
dir = data.dir,
pages.forEach(function(page) {
curPath = dir + '/' + page.file;
contents = grunt.file.read(curPath);
// feed the entire pages array and current entry to the template
grunt.file.write(curPath, grunt.template.process(contents, {
pages: pages,
curPage: page
grunt.log.writeln('Page at "' + curPath + '" built.');
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title><%= curPage.title %></title>
<!-- NAV -->
<ul class="nav">
pages.forEach(function(p) {
'<li class="' + ((curPage === p) ? 'active' : '') + '">' +
((curPage === p) ? p.title : ('<a href="' + p.file + '">' + p.title + '</a>')) +
<!-- /NAV -->
<div class="main">
<!-- /MAIN CONTENT -->
于 2012-10-21T19:26:59.550 回答