好的,所以我正在执行一项任务,您必须在 C 中构建一个循环双端队列。我已经实现了所有功能,并且正在测试它们。在“反向”功能之前,一切都很好。

我认为这很容易,您创建一个新链接,将其连接到 Sentinel 的位置。杀死旧哨兵,然后将双端队列的哨兵设置为新链接。

但是,当我运行它时,我得到一个 malloc 错误,并且由于我是 C 新手,我不确定如何调试。

- - - - 错误 - - - -

prog(10346) malloc: *对象 0x7faf13c03920 的错误:未分配被释放的指针 在 malloc_error_break 中设置断点以进行调试


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <float.h>
#include "cirListDeque.h"

/* Double Link Struture */
struct DLink {
    TYPE value;/* value of the link */
    struct DLink *next;/* pointer to the next link */
    struct DLink *prev;/* pointer to the previous link */


/* ************************************************************************
 Deque ADT based on Circularly-Doubly-Linked List WITH Sentinel
 ************************************************************************ */

struct cirListDeque {
    int size;/* number of links in the deque */
    struct DLink *Sentinel; /* pointer to the sentinel */
/* internal functions prototypes */
struct DLink* _createLink (TYPE val);
void _addLinkAfter(struct cirListDeque *q, struct DLink *lnk, struct DLink *newLnk);
void _removeLink(struct cirListDeque *q, struct DLink *lnk);

/* ************************************************************************
    Deque Functions
************************************************************************ */

/* Initialize deque.

    param:  q       pointer to the deque
    pre:    q is not null
    post:   q->backSentinel is allocated and q->size equals zero
void _initCirListDeque (struct cirListDeque *q) 
    struct DLink* lnk = (struct DLink*)malloc(sizeof(struct DLink));
    assert(lnk != 0);   //sentinel made
    q->Sentinel = lnk;
    q->Sentinel->next = q->Sentinel->prev = q->Sentinel;
    q->size = 0;

 create a new circular list deque
struct cirListDeque *createCirListDeque()
    struct cirListDeque* newCL = malloc(sizeof(struct cirListDeque));

/* Create a link for a value.

    param:  val     the value to create a link for
    pre:    none
    post:   a link to store the value
struct DLink * _createLink (TYPE val)
    struct DLink* lnk = (struct DLink*) malloc(sizeof(struct DLink));
    lnk->value = val;


/* Adds a link after another link

    param:  q       pointer to the deque
    param:  lnk     pointer to the existing link in the deque
    param:  newLnk  pointer to the new link to add after the existing link
    pre:    q is not null
    pre:    lnk and newLnk are not null
    post:   the new link is added into the deque after the existing link
void _addLinkAfter(struct cirListDeque *q, struct DLink *lnk, struct DLink *newLnk)
    lnk->next->prev = newLnk;       //right connects to new
    newLnk->next = lnk->next;       //new connect to right
    newLnk->prev = lnk;             //new connect to left
    lnk->next = newLnk;             //left connect to new

/* Adds a link to the back of the deque

    param:  q       pointer to the deque
    param:  val     value for the link to be added
    pre:    q is not null
    post:   a link storing val is added to the back of the deque
void addBackCirListDeque (struct cirListDeque *q, TYPE val) 
    struct DLink* lnk = _createLink(val);
    _addLinkAfter(q, q->Sentinel->prev, lnk);

/* Adds a link to the front of the deque

    param:  q       pointer to the deque
    param:  val     value for the link to be added
    pre:    q is not null
    post:   a link storing val is added to the front of the deque
void addFrontCirListDeque(struct cirListDeque *q, TYPE val)
    struct DLink* lnk = _createLink(val);
    _addLinkAfter(q, q->Sentinel, lnk);

/* Get the value of the front of the deque

    param:  q       pointer to the deque
    pre:    q is not null and q is not empty
    post:   none
    ret:    value of the front of the deque
TYPE frontCirListDeque(struct cirListDeque *q) 
    return q->Sentinel->next->value;

/* Get the value of the back of the deque

    param:  q       pointer to the deque
    pre:    q is not null and q is not empty
    post:   none
    ret:    value of the back of the deque
TYPE backCirListDeque(struct cirListDeque *q)
    return q->Sentinel->prev->value;

/* Remove a link from the deque

    param:  q       pointer to the deque
    param:  lnk     pointer to the link to be removed
    pre:    q is not null and q is not empty
    post:   the link is removed from the deque
void _removeLink(struct cirListDeque *q, struct DLink *lnk)
    lnk->next->prev = lnk->prev;    //connect right link to left link
    lnk->prev->next = lnk->next;    //connect left link to right link

/* Remove the front of the deque

    param:  q       pointer to the deque
    pre:    q is not null and q is not empty
    post:   the front is removed from the deque
void removeFrontCirListDeque (struct cirListDeque *q) {
    _removeLink(q, q->Sentinel->next);

/* Remove the back of the deque

    param:  q       pointer to the deque
    pre:    q is not null and q is not empty
    post:   the back is removed from the deque
void removeBackCirListDeque(struct cirListDeque *q)
    _removeLink(q, q->Sentinel->prev);

/* De-allocate all links of the deque

    param:  q       pointer to the deque
    pre:    none
    post:   All links (including backSentinel) are de-allocated
void freeCirListDeque(struct cirListDeque *q)
    while (q->size > 0){

/* Check whether the deque is empty

    param:  q       pointer to the deque
    pre:    q is not null
    ret:    1 if the deque is empty. Otherwise, 0.
int isEmptyCirListDeque(struct cirListDeque *q) {
    return q->size == 0;

/* Print the links in the deque from front to back

    param:  q       pointer to the deque
    pre:    q is not null and q is not empty
    post:   the links in the deque are printed from front to back
void printCirListDeque(struct cirListDeque *q)
    struct DLink *current;
    int x = 0;

    current = q->Sentinel->next;
    while(current != q->Sentinel){
        printf("value: %f\t", current->value);
        current = current->next;
        if (x >= 6){
            x = 0;

/* Reverse the deque

    param:  q       pointer to the deque
    pre:    q is not null and q is not empty
    post:   the deque is reversed
void reverseCirListDeque(struct cirListDeque *q)
    //struct DLink *temp = _createNewLink(0); //try this allocat then assign then move
    struct DLink *newSent = (struct DLink*) malloc(sizeof(struct DLink));
        newSent->next = q->Sentinel->prev;
        newSent->prev = q->Sentinel->next;
        q->Sentinel->next->prev = newSent;
        q->Sentinel->prev->next = newSent;
        q->Sentinel = newSent;

/* A different approach that didn't work.
        temp->next = q->Sentinel->prev;
            q->Sentinel->prev = q->Sentinel->next;
            q->Sentinel->next = temp->next;

3 回答 3


对于调试 C 程序,gdb是最好的。学习如何使用它会对你有很多好处。该文档位于http://sourceware.org/gdb/current/onlinedocs/gdb/

如果您真的想要一个 GUI 前端(并且“gdb -tui”是不可接受的),请尝试dddinsight


于 2012-10-19T20:23:56.030 回答

我的调试方法是添加 printfs。例如,在 malloc 调用后_initCirListDeque添加:

fprintf(stderr, "dbg malloc sentinel %p\n", (void *)lnk);

在 malloc in 之后添加类似的行reverseCirListDeque

然后在调用 free in 和 之前添加类似的_removeLinkprintffreeCirListDequereverseCirListDeque

当您运行代码时,您应该在标准错误中看到指针地址被 malloc 和释放。您应该能够查看未能释放的值是否已被释放(我的猜测是这就是正在发生的事情)。

这个词的目的dbg是使搜索这些调试 printfs 并在找到错误后将其删除变得容易。

于 2012-10-19T20:38:29.957 回答



我认为如果你颠倒哨兵的方向,你可以颠倒循环列表的顺序。但是,即使您将所有四个链接更改为前哨,周围的链接 prev 和 next 字段也会指向错误的方向。


    void reverseCirListDeque(struct cirListDeque *q)
    struct cirListDeque* newQ = createCirListDeque();
        addBackCirListDeque(newQ, backCirListDeque(q));
    q->Sentinel = newQ->Sentinel;
    q->size = newQ->size;
于 2012-10-19T22:04:55.190 回答