使用 Haskell,我正在编写一个计算树中叶子总数的函数。我已经将树定义为:

data Tree a = Leaf | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)


countL :: Tree a -> Int
countL Leaf = 1
countL (Node x tL tR) = (countL tL) + (countL tR)

这可行,但我想通过使用 fold 函数做同样的事情来更进一步。我通过以下方式定义的树有一个工作折叠功能:

mytFold :: (a -> b -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
mytFold f g Leaf = g
mytFold f g (Node a xl xr) = f a (mytFold f g xl) (mytFold f g xr)

我试图包含 fold 函数(也使用了我通过这样做定义的辅助函数:

countL' :: Tree a -> Integer
countL' Leaf = 1
countL' = mytFold leafy 0 where
        leafy tL tR = tL + tR



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countL' Leaf = ..
countL' = ..


countL' Leaf = ..
countL' tree = mytFold leafy 0 tree

完成此操作后,GHC 会给您一个错误,例如

    Couldn't match expected type `Integer -> Integer'
                with actual type `Integer'
    Expected type: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
      Actual type: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
    In the first argument of `mytFold', namely `leafy'
    In the expression: mytFold leafy 0 tree

这是因为mytFold需要一个 3 参数函数作为它的第一个参数,并且leafy只需要 2。通过使用leafy _ tL tR = tL + tR.

但是,一旦你这样做了,你会发现这给出了错误的答案:countL' (Node 1 Leaf Leaf) == 0. 一种可能使解决方案清晰的方法是删除countL' Leaf案例,并尝试将其写入countL折叠。IE

countL'' = mytFold f a

你在哪里决定什么fa是(提示:你已经有f == leafy == const (+))。考虑mytFold leafy a Leaf

于 2012-10-19T18:34:22.317 回答