我正在使用 ARM NEON Assembler 优化 4D(128 位)矩阵向量乘法。
如果我将矩阵和向量加载到 NEON 寄存器中并对其进行转换,我不会获得很大的性能提升,因为切换到 NEON 寄存器需要 20 个周期。此外,我为每个乘法重新加载矩阵,尽管它没有改变。
我想知道如果我在汇编程序中对所有顶点(增加指针)进行循环,这个操作会有多快。但我处于 Neon 汇编程序的最开始,虽然不知道如何做到这一点。有人可以帮帮我吗?
- 加载矩阵和第一个向量
- 存储循环计数“计数”和..
- -- 循环开始 --
- 执行乘加(进行转换)
- 将 q0 写入 vOut
- 将指针 vIn 和 vOut 增加 4(128 位)
- 将 vIn 加载到 q5。
- -- LOOP_END --
现有的 C 版本循环:
void TransformVertices(ESMatrix* m, GLfloat* vertices, GLfloat* normals, int count)
GLfloat* pVertex = vertices;
int i;
// iterate trough vertices only one at a time
for (i = 0; i < count ; i ++)
Matrix4Vector4Mul( (float *)m, (float *)pVertex, (float *)pVertex);
pVertex += 4;
//LoadMatrix( (const float*) m);
//// two at a time
//for (i = 0; i < count ; i += 2)
// Matrix4Vector4Mul2( (float *)m, (float *)pVertex, (float *)(pVertex + 4));
// pVertex += 8;
以下 NEON-Version 代码仅进行一次转换:
void Matrix4Vector4Mul (const float* m, const float* vIn, float* vOut)
asm volatile
"vldmia %1, {q1-q4 } \n\t"
"vldmia %2, {q5} \n\t"
"vmul.f32 q0, q1, d10[0] \n\t"
"vmla.f32 q0, q2, d10[1] \n\t"
"vmla.f32 q0, q3, d11[0] \n\t"
"vmla.f32 q0, q4, d11[1] \n\t"
"vstmia %0, {q0}"
: // no output
: "r" (vOut), "r" (m), "r" (vIn)
: "memory", "q0", "q1", "q2", "q3", "q4", "q5"
void Matrix4Vector4Mul (const float* m, const float* vIn, float* vOut)
Vertex4D* v1 = (Vertex4D*)vIn;
Vertex4D vOut1;
Vertex4D* l0;
Vertex4D* l1;
Vertex4D* l2;
Vertex4D* l3;
// 4x4 Matrix with members m00 - m33
ESMatrix* m1 = (ESMatrix*)m;
l0 = (Vertex4D*)&m1->m00;
vOut1.x = l0->x * v1->x;
vOut1.y = l0->y * v1->x;
vOut1.z = l0->z * v1->x;
vOut1.w = l0->w * v1->x;
l1 = (Vertex4D*)&m1->m10;
vOut1.x += l1->x * v1->y;
vOut1.y += l1->y * v1->y;
vOut1.z += l1->z * v1->y;
vOut1.w += l1->w * v1->y;
l2 = (Vertex4D*)&m1->m20;
vOut1.x += l2->x * v1->z;
vOut1.y += l2->y * v1->z;
vOut1.z += l2->z * v1->z;
vOut1.w += l2->w * v1->z;
l3 = (Vertex4D*)&m1->m30;
vOut1.x += l3->x * v1->w;
vOut1.y += l3->y * v1->w;
vOut1.z += l3->z * v1->w;
vOut1.w += l3->w * v1->w;
*(vOut) = vOut1.x;
*(vOut + 1) = vOut1.y;
*(vOut + 2) = vOut1.z;
*(vOut + 3) = vOut1.w;
性能:(变换 > 90 000 个顶点 | Android 4.0.4 SGS II)
C-Version: 190 FPS
NEON-Version: 162 FPS ( .. slower -.- )
--- LOAD Matrix only ONCE (seperate ASM) and then perform two V's at a time ---
NEON-Version: 217 FPS ( + 33 % NEON | + 14 % C-Code )