我是一名 Ruby on Rails 程序员,我将在一些 PHP 项目上工作一段时间。我知道 PHP 程序员切换到 Ruby on Rails 更为常见,但是是否有相反的好教程?

所以问题是,有没有人知道任何可以向 Rails 程序员教授 PHP 的教程或资源?我知道这可能听起来很模糊,但这里有一些我更喜欢的东西:

简洁——尽可能地,我更喜欢简短的教程,而不是 600 页的书。不是 PHP 的参考指南,而是更多的快速入门。

对于 Ruby on Rails 程序员- 如果可能的话,我更喜欢讨论和比较 Rails 的概念,例如如何处理 MVC、如何添加依赖项、路由、良好实践等。

真实世界的例子——如果有一些真实的例子,而不仅仅是一些显示 PHP 语法的片段,那就太好了。



2 回答 2


将你对一种语言的句法知识翻译成另一种语言的范式几乎总是导致灾难的根源。您将始终试图让 PHP 以“ruby/rails 方式”而不是 PHP 中的正确方式来做事。

Instead, clear your mind of everything you know about Ruby/Rails (except for general software engineering principles), grab a book, read some tutorials, and watch some "Learn PHP" videos on YouTube. Approaching it as something completely different and not trying to make an apples to apples comparison, you will find that it becomes a little easier to learn.

In the end http://www.php.net is your greatest resource.

于 2012-10-19T12:41:28.107 回答

I would suggest you to start with some basic syntax and some basic functions of PHP, you can Read them here. It would hardly take 2 - 3 hours to learn basics. and then you can go on with This PHP tutorial. Then You can strat with some frameworks viz Symfony, CodeIgniter and Yii Framework

于 2012-10-19T12:44:26.933 回答