我也尝试做你在组织风格时提到的同样的事情。Rails 通过不断为您生成基于控制器的样式表,几乎将您推向了这个方向。最后,我选择将所有内容添加到application.sass
. 这种方法的主要优点是您只在页面加载时发出一个请求,并且最终不必重新导入用户在最后一页上请求的代码。
我个人的看法是,如果你很好地抽象了你的 CSS,你只需要使用一个样式表,因为你没有很多视图特定的代码可以首先引入到样式表中。无论哪种方式,替代方案(根据页面需求随机加载模块,而您可能在前一页上已经做了同样的事情)听起来无论如何都不能解决这个问题。另外,您正在对全新文件提出更多请求。
CSS 可能有点难以组织。这是我通常如何组织样式以及样式表目录的示例。此方法适用于单个命名空间(应用程序),或者如果需要,它可以分解为适用于多个命名空间(即管理员、应用程序)。
// vendor ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// compass
@import "compass/reset"
@import "compass/css3/box-shadow"
@import "compass/css3/border-radius"
@import "compass/css3/box-sizing"
@import "compass/css3/opacity"
@import "compass/layout/sticky-footer"
@import "compass/utilities"
// grid
@import "susy"
// application -----------------------------------------------------------------
// base
// for mixins, variables and helpers to aid in building
// the application. no styling of actual elements should
// go in base.
@import "base/colors"
@import "base/fonts"
@import "base/mixins"
@import "base/grid"
// layout
// generic site styles. this includes site chrome styles
// such as the header, footer, flash messages, nav, as well
// as common patterns used around the site like forms, type,
// links, etc. the loose idea is that you could take these
// styles and create a similar "layout" but it wouldn't
// include contextual patterns like books, originals, etc.
@import "layout/buttons"
@import "layout/content"
@import "layout/header"
@import "layout/flash"
@import "layout/forms"
@import "layout/footer"
@import "layout/links"
@import "layout/tooltips"
@import "layout/typography"
// modules
// elements used on multiple pages that are loosely tied
// to our domain and data structure. examples are dependent
// on the needs of your site. as a general guideline, all
// modules should be used on multiple pages. elements used
// on a single page should be included in views.
@import "modules/articles"
@import "modules/buttons"
@import "modules/forms"
@import "modules/links"
@import "modules/pagination"
@import "modules/users"
@import "modules/stats"
@import "modules/some_other_domain_specific_styling_unique_to_your_site"
// views
// elements used on a single page. these styles are
// often needed to help put finishing touches on a
// page where modules didn't quite line up perfectly,
// or where a page has completely unique elements.
// these styles could often be abstracted to modules
// but lack a reason to do so. keeping them here helps
// explain their singular usage.
@import "views/welcome/index"
@import "views/settings/all"
@import "views/articles/show"
@import "views/users/show"
以这种方式组织您的样式有助于为每个文件创建一个单一的职责(看起来您也在尝试这样做)。我发现这让你的 CSS 更易于维护。此外,如果您需要添加媒体查询或使用给定模块定位特定浏览器,它为您提供了一个与上下文相关的地方,同时仍保持您的代码清晰和独立。
- admin
- application
- admin.sass
- application.sass
您甚至可以创建一个结构来在两者之间共享项目,但这可能是必要的,也可能不是必要的。关键是你有很大的灵活性和组织性来处理你可能需要做的任何事情。如果您愿意,同样的结构也可以用于 JS。这避免了重新加载模块和发出新请求的问题。