I have a couple of questions, and the first one involves the integration of a Google or Bing map. I am trying to get multiple markers to appear on a map based on the results of a user-submitted property search form. When the user searches for properties from any combination of available criteria (Address, city, Zip code, number of garages, etc.), they are taken to a results page that shows ten matches per page. The map needs to be able to mark the location of those properties as they are being viewed on the results page. How can this be accomplished in the scripting of the map and/or the search form?

My second question involves storing images on a database. We need to download a large number of images from a listing server, but unfortunately our server is not large enough to support easily tens of thousands of image files. How can the images be stored on a relational database with PHP and SQL queries? How can SQL be used to convert the actual images to data for easier storage? Thank you for any answers you have!


1 回答 1

  1. 基本的工作流程是循环查询您的数据库,并将地址信息连同它们的纬度和经度一起输出到您的 HTML 页面。然后,您只需将多个标记添加到您的地图,并根据您的需要设置结果、标记和信息气泡的样式。可以在Google Maps API 文档中找到有关如何添加单个标记的简单示例。

  2. 您确定需要将图像本身存储在数据库中吗?也许也可以将它们存储在文件系统或 Amazon S3 等其他位置。您可能需要阅读此帖子以进行详细讨论。

于 2012-10-19T07:13:34.940 回答