我正在尝试为一个 uni 项目制作一个随机数生成器。
当我编译并运行它时,它返回 507(这是正确的句点)。
然而,大约 50% 的时间它会返回分段错误。知道发生了什么:
using namespace std;
class Random
// Constructor
Random(int a, int b, int m)
// Function to set the magic numbers of the random number generator
void setMagicNumbers(int a, int b, int m)
this->A = a;
this->B = b;
this->M = m;
// Function that returns a list of uniformly distributed random numbers
vector<double> GetUniform(int N, double initialValue = time(0))
double currentNumber = initialValue;
vector<double> RandomNumbers;
for(int i = 0; i <= N; i++)
currentNumber = fmod((this->A*currentNumber) + this->B, this->M);
RandomNumbers.push_back(currentNumber / this->M); // The number is normalised here
return RandomNumbers;
int A, B, M;
class NumberList
// Function to add an element to the list
void push(double x)
// Function to pop an element off the list
double pop()
if(v.size() > 0)
int popped = v.back();
return popped;
cout << "Cannot pop element off empty list." << endl;
return 0;
return 0;
// Function to get the value at a given location on the list
double getAt(int i)
return this->v[i];
// Function to set the value at a given location on the list
void setAt(int i, double value)
this->v[i] = value;
// Function to find the size of the list
unsigned int size()
return this->v.size();
// Function to get the vector itself
vector<double> getvector()
return this->v;
// Function to set the value of the vector itself
void setVector(vector<double> vec)
this->v = vec;
// Function to print the list of numbers as coordinates to a data file
void printCoordinates()
ofstream data("coordinates.dat");
for(unsigned int i = 0; i <= this->v.size(); i++)
data << this->v[i] << " " << this->v[i + 1] << "\n";
// Function to print the list of numbers to the terminal
void print()
for(unsigned int i = 0; i <= this->v.size(); i++)
cout << this->v[i] << endl;
// Function to get the period of the list of numbers
int getPeriod()
int i = 2;
if(isPeriod(i) == true)
return i;
i = i + 1;
// Vector to hold the values for the list
vector<double> v;
// Function to test if 'i' is the period of the list
bool isPeriod(int i)
for(int j = 0; j != (i-1); j++)
if(this->getAt(j) != this->getAt(i + j))
return false;
return true;
int main()
Random RandNumGenerator(100,104001,714025); // Create a new random number generator with given magic numbers
NumberList numbers; // Create a blank list of numbers
numbers.setVector(RandNumGenerator.GetUniform(10000)); // Add 10000 random numbers to the list
numbers.printCoordinates(); // Print out the random numbers as coordinates to a data file
cout << numbers.getPeriod() << endl; // Print out the period of the random number list
return 0;