
我发现关于 OOP 最烦人的一件事是,每当您在成员函数中需要一个新变量,并且您需要该变量“附加”调用该函数的对象时,您基本上别无选择,只能创建一个新的私有场地。在我看来这很难看,因为这意味着变量在对象实例化时被初始化(如果你不调用需要它的方法,你可能永远无法使用它),它不会对其他可以隐藏的实体隐藏访问对象的私有成员,除此之外,这意味着可能会使您的类定义变得混乱(想想 C++ 类,它通常带有一个包含整个字段定义的标题)。

用 C++ 术语来说,我想要static修饰符对全局函数中变量的行为,但在成员函数中,并且存储必须在对象中。

我不知道那么多语言,但我觉得在动态编程语言中更容易做到。我可以想到 Lua:我只想在当前表中添加一个新索引。这并没有向世界其他地方隐藏新的“领域”,但除非你篡改元表,否则 Lua 中的所有内容都是公开的,所以这在 Lua 思维方式中并不是真正的问题。但是初始化的问题得到了解决。


顺便说一句,C++ 中是否有一个巧妙的解决方法来获得类似的结果?


2 回答 2


You say static and by design in static languages every thing about the design of object should addressed in compile time and class can't change it self in runtime. So I don't think any static language can do such a dynamic job, and it is good since it will decrease performance, when you access a variable, in static languages compiler create code to access that variable at compile time but if such a variable (function-object-static) exist, then compiler should write an extra code to check some dynamic storage to see if a property with that name exist or not and this is only because you feel sad with current design of C++!? But on the other hand, if you do not want to do it without changing fields, you can simply add one extra variable to the class of a type that can used for dynamic lookup(for example std::map) and make that variable private so no one except you in your class can access it:

class foo {
    std::map<std::string, boost::any> functionVariables;

    void test1() {
        int visitNumber;
        auto i = functionVariables.find( "test1" );
        if( i == functionVariables.end() ) {
            // This is first visit of the function, initialize your variable
            functionVariables["test1"] = (visitNumber = 0);
        } else {
            // It is already initialized, use it
            visitNumber = ++ *boost::any_cast<int>(&*i);
于 2012-10-18T22:36:09.987 回答



这实际上在 C# 中是可用的。尽管实现纯粹是装饰性的,但您可以将单个类声明为多个分部类。好处之一是分离关注点,以避免对类封装的所有内容进行单一大声明(另一种用途是代码生成场景)。



partial class Foo {
   int X;
   void DoSomethingWithX() {

文件 2:

partial class Foo {
   int Y;
   void DoSomethingWithY() {
于 2012-10-18T22:43:46.323 回答