


2 回答 2



NSString *c = @"0x1F514";

unsigned intVal;
NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:c];
[scanner scanHexInt:&intVal];

NSString *str = nil;
if (intVal > 0xFFFF) {
    unsigned remainder = intVal - 0x10000;
    unsigned topTenBits = (remainder >> 10) & 0x3FF;
    unsigned botTenBits = (remainder >>  0) & 0x3FF;

    unichar hi = topTenBits + 0xD800;
    unichar lo = botTenBits + 0xDC00;
    unichar unicodeChars[2] = {hi, lo};
    str = [NSString stringWithCharacters:unicodeChars length:2];
} else {
    unichar lo = (unichar)(intVal & 0xFFFF);
    str = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&lo length:1];

NSLog(@"str = %@", str);

根本@"\u1f514"不起作用的原因是因为这些\u值不能在 BMP 之外,即 >0xFFFF,即 >16 位。



于 2012-10-18T20:23:46.070 回答

If your NSString contains this "bell" character, then it does. You just append strings the usual way, like with stringByAppendingString.

The drawing of a bell instead of something denoting an unknown character is a completely separate issue. Your best bet is to ensure you're not using CoreText for drawing this, as it's been reported elsewhere, and I've seen it myself at work, that various non-standard characters may not work when printed that way. They do work, however, when printed with UIKit (that should be standard UI components, UIKitAdditions, and so on).

If using CoreText, you might get a bit lucky if you disable some text properties for the string with this special character, or choose appropriate font (but I won't help you here; we decided to leave the issue as Won't fix).

Having said that, the last time I was dealing with those was in pre-iOS 6 days...

Summary: your problem is not appending strings, but how you draw them.

于 2012-10-18T20:36:42.760 回答