My current document root is this (via $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']):
I need to generate one folder up:
How would I go about doing this?
I had asked this in the past: Dynamically finding paths, is there a better way?
However, I have this scenario which doesn't work:
- Executed script is located here: root/f1/f2/f3/f4/f5/file.php.
- This script includes another script located here: root/f6/file2.php
In file2.php, I needed the following code for this to work:
$base_path = dirname(realpath("../../../../do_not_remove.txt"));
When in theory, based on its location, it should have been this:
$base_path = dirname(realpath("../do_not_remove.txt"));
In practice, there would be a global available where this data could be passed. However, in this inherited project, there isn't thus I'm reusing this where I need it.
Update #1
Based on the answers, this seems to work great: realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/../../");