虽然Pattern.compile("%%(products?)%%", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)
乍一看,但它的内部功能并不完全是将每个字符与它们的小写和大写对应物进行比较。实际发生的是,第一种方法对 Unicode 的小写和大写块进行范围检查,而第二种方法进行文字比较。
String base = "I have a product that is the product of my hard work."
+ "Products are always nice, because I can win cash if I sell my products.\n"
+ "The product of me making my product is cash, because cash is the product of selling my product.\n"
+ "With the cash I win with my product, I can buy other people's products.";
int processRepeats = 1000000; //One million runs, enough to take time for each clocking.
int averageRepeats = 10;
long averager = 0;
int count = 0;
//Switch the commenting to test the opposing method.
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("products?", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
//Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[Pp]roducts?");
Matcher m;
long clocking;
for (int i = 0; i < averageRepeats; i++) {
clocking = System.nanoTime();
for (int ii = 0; ii < processRepeats; ii++) {
m = p.matcher(base); //Here because the "base" would change in a real environment.
while (m.find()) {
clocking = System.nanoTime() - clocking;
averager += clocking;
//System.out.printf("This method found %9d matches in %15d nanos [%9.3f ms]\n", count, clocking, clocking / 1000000f);
System.out.printf("This method averages %15d nanos [%16.3f ms] for %d times executing %d runs.\n",
averager / averageRepeats, (averager / (float) averageRepeats) / 1000000f, averageRepeats, processRepeats);
//FIRST METHOD: [3 runs to demonstrate/guarantee consistency]
//This method averages 5024404693 nanos [ 5024,404 ms] for 10 times executing 1000000 runs.
//This method averages 5021385539 nanos [ 5021,386 ms] for 10 times executing 1000000 runs.
//This method averages 5017170143 nanos [ 5017,170 ms] for 10 times executing 1000000 runs.
//SECOND METHOD: [same deal]
//This method averages 5806310774 nanos [ 5806,311 ms] for 10 times executing 1000000 runs.
//This method averages 5809879747 nanos [ 5809,880 ms] for 10 times executing 1000000 runs.
//This method averages 5804277386 nanos [ 5804,277 ms] for 10 times executing 1000000 runs.
如您所见,不仅第一种方法更快(最终取决于它正在运行的机器),而且考虑到大量运行,几乎 800 毫秒(8/10 秒)的性能差异可能不如正如人们想象的那样,影响可以忽略不计!