我目前正在尝试解决 Outlook html 电子邮件的问题。如果我使用这样的简单(大约 85-100kb)html 电子邮件,并在 Outlook 中将其转发给我自己:

        <!-- Repeat the above row about 1-2000 times -->

Outlook 自然会添加一些自己的标记。我不介意额外/凌乱的 html,但字体定义的数量是荒谬的:指定了超过 24,000 种字体。这会导致电子邮件至少需要 30 秒 - 1 分钟才能加载。(更不用说大小膨胀到超过 2MB - 但这是次要的)

/* Font Definitions */
    panose-1:2 11 5 4 2 2 2 2 2 4;}
    panose-1:2 7 4 9 2 2 5 2 4 4;}
    {font-family:"Tms Rmn";
    panose-1:2 2 6 3 4 5 5 2 3 4;}

所以问题是:有谁知道 Outlook 从哪里生成这个字体定义列表?这个列表中有一些看起来很疯狂的东西,甚至看起来都没有字体:

    {font-family:"?&not\;\0027 ??S?V??N Pro R Cyr";}
    {font-family:"?&not\;\0027 ??S?V??N Pro EL Cyr";}
    {font-family:"_ae&\#143\;6f- c5z d1";}
    {font-family:"\,  l\,  r -  l  \0027  &copy\;   CE";}
    {font-family:"$B\#M\#S\(B $BL\@D+\(B\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;";}



1 回答 1


We spent a lot of time with MS Support on this to no avail. Apparently Outlook caches fonts from incoming emails (unbelievable I know) somewhere in memory and includes them in every outgoing HTML format email. So if a user receives an email with a huge number of corrupted font definitions, this will get forwarded to every subsequent recipient until outlook is restarted. (It's almost virus-like)

The resolution is to upgrade to Outlook 2012, which has allegedly addressed this issue. Microsoft would not provide a workaround or patch for 2010, citing it as a case of "works as designed".

于 2013-02-05T18:48:21.713 回答