从头开始构建使用 Dijkstras alg 的图表控件。我搜索了互联网试图理解这个算法。我想我终于明白了,但我的代码无法正常工作。希望有人可以看看这个,看看他们是否知道这是怎么回事......
对于初学者,我会说我创建了自己的 Vertex 数据类型。它包含节点的 ID、X 和 Y、状态字符串、也是顶点数据类型的父节点和整数距离。
//function to populate lists with all the vertices on the graph
private List<Vertex> getNodes()
//get all non-dg nodes in list
for (int i = 0; i < chtGraph.Series[0].Points.Count; i++)
Vertex vertice = new Vertex(chtGraph.Series[0].Points[i]["ID"], (float)chtGraph.Series[0].Points[i].XValue, (float)chtGraph.Series[0].Points[i].YValues[0], "UNVISITED", Convert.ToInt32(chtGraph.Series[0].Points[i].Label), double.PositiveInfinity, null);
myVertices.Insert(i, vertice);
//get all dg nodes in list
for (int i = 0; i < chtGraph.Series[1].Points.Count; i++)
Vertex vertice = new Vertex(chtGraph.Series[1].Points[i]["ID"], (float)chtGraph.Series[1].Points[i].XValue, (float)chtGraph.Series[1].Points[i].YValues[0], "UNVISITED", Convert.ToInt32(chtGraph.Series[1].Points[i].Label), double.PositiveInfinity, null);
myVertices.Insert(i, vertice);
return myVertices;
//function to return to a list all the adjacents for a specified node. Excludes parent node
private List<Vertex> checkAdjacents(Vertex node, int intTransPower)
List<Vertex> Adjacents = new List<Vertex>();
int distance;
for (int i = 0; i < myVertices.Count; i++)
if (node.id != myVertices[i].id)
distance = calcDistance(node.x, node.y, myVertices[i].x, myVertices[i].y);
if (distance <= intTransPower)
if (rdbTotalLength.Checked)
myVertices[i].distance = distance;
else if (rdbPathEnergy.Checked)
myVertices[i].distance = getCost(node, myVertices[i]);
myVertices[i].distance = 1;
myVertices[i].parent = node;
foreach (Vertex p in openList)
if (myVertices[i].id == p.id)
p.distance = myVertices[i].distance;
p.parent = myVertices[i].parent;
return Adjacents;
private void dijkstra(Vertex start, Vertex end)
//populate two lists with all the nodes in the graph
openList = getNodes();
myVertices = getNodes();
//adjacents list for each vertex visited
List<Vertex> adjacents = new List<Vertex>();
//final list that is populated with the final path of vertices
List<Edge> shortestPath = new List<Edge>();
//used in calculating adjacent nodes. If distance is greater than transpower, then nodes are not connected
int intTransPower = Convert.ToInt32(txtTransPower.Text);
//set current vertex as the starting node
Vertex current = start;
//set initially to false
bool pathFound = false;
//find the starting node from the list of all vertices. Set it's distance to 0
foreach (Vertex p in openList)
if (p.id == current.id)
p.status = current.status;
p.distance = 0;
foreach (Vertex p in myVertices)
if (p.id == current.id)
p.status = current.status;
p.distance = 0;
//reorder the list to bring the starting node to the first element
openList = openList.OrderBy(h => h.distance).ToList();
//this.insert(openList, current, true);
// Repeat while the openlist is not empty and you haven't reached the end
while (openList.Count > 0)
//remove node at element 0. Sorted by smallest distance so it always gets removed first
current = openList[0];
//if the current node = the ending node, then we have found the path. Break loop and build the final path.
if (current.id == end.id)
pathFound = true;
//collect up all the adjacent nodes for the current vertex
//does NOT include the current vertex we are on
adjacents = checkAdjacents(current, intTransPower);
foreach (Vertex v in adjacents)
float alt = (float)current.distance + calcDistance(current.x, current.y, v.x, v.y);
if (alt < v.distance)
v.distance = alt;
v.parent = current;
for (int i = 0; i < openList.Count; i++)
if (v.id == openList[i].id)
openList[i].distance = alt;
openList[i].parent = current;
openList = openList.OrderBy(h => h.distance).ToList();
if (pathFound)
// collect path
Vertex last = current;
while (current != start && current != null)
if (current.parent == last)
last = current;
current = current.parent;