我有一个表单元素,它根据 ajax 的请求被拉入。然后,我尝试对插入的文本框执行 ajax 请求,以在键入时查找位置。该代码适用于第一个文本框,但在插入第二个文本框时会失败。我试图让脚本在 ajax 完成后重新加载,但它仍然无法工作。帮助将不胜感激。
Form.html.erb - 设置 rails 嵌套表单并拉入部分
<%= nested_form_for(@post, :html=> {:multipart => true, :class=> "new_blog_post", :id=> "new_blog_post"}) do |f| %>
<%= render :partial => 'search_locations', :locals => { :f => f } %>
<p><%= f.link_to_add "Add a location", :locations %></p>
<% end %>
partial.html.erb - 在页面加载时拉入,然后在按下“添加位置”按钮时拉入
<%= f.fields_for :locations do |m| %>
<%= m.text_field :name ,:class=>"localename", :placeholder=> "Name of the location", :autocomplete => "off" %>
<%= m.text_field :longitude, :class => "long" %>
<%= m.text_field :latitude, :class => "lat" %>
<div class="latlong">
<p class="help-block">Enter the name of the town or city visited in this blog entry.</p>
<%= m.link_to_remove "Remove this location" %>
<% end %>
<script type="text/javascript">
function locationchecker() {
// Rails to multiply the script 20 times
<% (0..20).each do |i| %>
// when the #search field changes
$(".localename:eq(<%=i%>)").keyup(function() {
// get the value of searchfield
var location<%=i%> = $(".localename:eq(<%=i%>)").val();
//Take the value of the textbox and pull it from geocoder
$.get('/locations/location?location='+location<%=i%>,this.value, function(searchone<%=i%>) {
// Upon complete run the script again
.complete(function(searchone<%=i%>) { locationchecker });
// load script on doc ready