I need to download JPG file from FileCabinet
in NetSuite
. For that I know the file name, so I searched file and assigned to FileObject
. I got the object right, but got NULL
content. I am providing here some code. Can anybody point out the error or any missing step here? Thank you.
var result = _service.search(flSearch);
if (result.totalRecords > 0)
recordList = result.recordList;
Record[] records = new Record[recordList.Length];
for (int j = 0; j < recordList.Length; j++)
if (recordList[j] is File)
File itemImage = (File)(recordList[j]);
byte[] data;
data = new Byte[(int)itemImage.fileSize];
data = itemImage.content; //Here getting NULL value
FileStream inFile;
using (inFile = new FileStream("newImage.jpg", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
inFile.Write(data, 0, data.Length);