I have that problem. When I set de URL of my request from my table in Fusion Tables, the chart does not work. It say 'Request timed out' when I play the App.

The code is:

var graficoHistoricoMensual=Charts.newAreaChart() .setDataSourceUrl('https://www.googleapis.com/fusiontables/v1/query?sql=select%20ANO,MES,%20count(INCIDENCIA)%20AS%20TotalIncidencias%20from ID_OF_THE_TABLEwhere%20ALMACEN=501%20group%20by%20ANO,MES%20&key=THE_KEY&alt=csv')

When I executed this URL on one tab of the browser it work perfectly.

Does Fusion Tables work with Google App Script and this method of the Charts Services?


1 回答 1


我从来没有尝试过这个,根据我的经验来回答你,但从错误消息来看,Fusion Tables 对于图表服务来说似乎太慢了。或者,反过来看,图表服务超时对于 Fusion Tables 来说太低了。


但是您绝对可以在 Apps Script 中使用 Fusion Tables 数据并传递给图表服务,您只需要自己获取数据(使用UrlFetchApp),解析它(使用JSON.parseUtilities.parseCsv),然后手动创建图表数据表,Charts.newDataTable.

于 2012-10-18T20:42:35.227 回答