I'd like to use lattix to analyse objective-c code (http://www.lattix.com/node/114). Computer is a macbook with osx 10.7.4.

Lattix version is 7.8 (newest). I am not sure which understand version to use, newest would be 3.0 build 635, but I have the same problem with understand 3.0 and 2.6 anyway.

Understand works fine (version 2.6 or 3.0), I can create a new understand project for an iOS objective-c project and name it *.udb. Analysis within understand also work fine.

The problem is when I try to import it into lattix: In lattix I do: File -> new project -> profiles: all -> choose Module Type C/C++ (Understand) and add the udb file. When creating a new project now I get this error: "Error opening data ... Understand API library missing. Please install Understand."

Also tried understand 3.0 same problem. Has someone got these two tools working on a mac and maybe had a similar issue?

Or does s.o. maybe has an alternative to lattix?

Big thanks in advance.


1 回答 1



请确保使用有效许可证在您的计算机上安装了适用于 C++ 的理解。在 Windows 上,请确保路径包含目录(通常为 C:\Program Files\STI\bin\pc-win32)。在 Linux 上,请将环境变量 STI_HOME 设置为“理解安装”的顶部


[对于 Linux]

安装好Understand 2.0后,请将{Understand 2.0安装目录}/scitools$设置为STI_HOME系统环境变量。

启动(${Lattix安装目录}/Lattix/bin/ldm.sh) Lattix。

可能对理解 3.0 也有帮助

于 2012-10-18T14:35:32.020 回答