I'm quite confused :S

scenario: I m trying to add a certificate to my domain serverName. com. I create a active directory sercer (DC) with ad.servername. com and cms.servername. com for Alfresco page.

and as far as I know, because it's alfresco bundle, it already has a tomcat with java and a Alfresco certificate configured (expire 2112).

then i generated my own .cer with microsoft certificate services with "servername. com" and imported to my java keystore (alfresco/java/jre/lib/security/cacert) expires 2014

later I decide to try a free trial third-party CA startssl. com and I generated for "servername. com" but they asked me to put an alternative, so I put cms.servername.com and I also imported to my alfresco/java key store (expire 2013)

now, whenever I put https://servername:8443/myApp or https://cms.servername:8443 browser shows using Alfresco certificate. did I mess up with certificates or java or something is just selecting the older expiring date certificate to use?


1 回答 1



像 alf_data/keystore 和在 tomcat 配置中的 8443 指向 alfresco 键。

于 2012-10-18T20:41:54.317 回答