I've had a bit of a play with this and this is what I've got so far, should give a good starting point. I've randomly generated a list of gold and iron pairs (I've used Point because it was simpler for me to work with but anything would work.)
The idea is to take a group of small value golds and swap them with a single larger value gold from the other list. Which in most cases will talk equivilent amounts of gold, but swap a larger value of iron with a smaller one.
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var GoldIron = new List<Point>(
new Point[]{
new Point(16,23),new Point(16,28),new Point(19,44),new Point(21,29),
new Point(23,16),new Point(24,82),new Point(27,85),new Point(31,63),
new Point(31,78),new Point(32,65),new Point(41,23),new Point(43,79),
new Point(44,76),new Point(45,23),new Point(47,16),new Point(50,15),
new Point(50,37),new Point(52,28),new Point(52,58),new Point(52,71),
new Point(61,39),new Point(61,75),new Point(63,59),new Point(68,25),
new Point(68,61),new Point(70,24),new Point(71,75),new Point(74,78),
new Point(77,59),new Point(82,27)}
listBox1.DataSource = GoldIron;
//Split into 2 lists based on the gold amount
var Left = new List<Point>();
var Right = new List<Point>();
var SumGold = GoldIron.Sum(P => P.X);
var SumIron = GoldIron.Sum(P => P.Y);
label2.Text = SumGold.ToString();
label1.Text = SumIron.ToString();
var LeftGold = 0;
Int32 i = 0;
while (LeftGold < SumGold / 2)
LeftGold += GoldIron[i].X;
while (i < GoldIron.Count)
Int32 LIndex = 0;
//Start Algorithm
Int32 LeftIron = Left.Sum(P => P.Y);
Int32 RightIron = Right.Sum(P => P.Y);
while (LeftIron - RightIron > 50 || RightIron - LeftIron > 50)
if (LeftIron < RightIron)
List<Point> TempList = Left;
Left = Right;
Right = TempList;
LIndex = 0;
Int32 SmallestRight = Right[LIndex].X;
LeftGold = 0;
i = 0;
while (LeftGold < SmallestRight)
LeftGold += Right[i++].X;
Point Temp = Right[LIndex];
Left.RemoveRange(0, i);
LIndex += i;
LeftIron = Left.Sum(P => P.Y);
RightIron = Right.Sum(P => P.Y);
listBox2.DataSource = Left;
SumGold = Left.Sum(P => P.X);
SumIron = Left.Sum(P => P.Y);
label4.Text = SumGold.ToString();
label3.Text = SumIron.ToString();
listBox3.DataSource = Right;
SumGold = Right.Sum(P => P.X);
SumIron = Right.Sum(P => P.Y);
label6.Text = SumGold.ToString();
label5.Text = SumIron.ToString();
And the result: