class Wave {
int m_length;
data_type * m_data;
m_data = NULL;
m_length = 0;
cout << "Wave " << this << " created on " << m_data << " with m_length " << m_length << endl;
Wave(int len, data_type data){
if (len) {
m_length = len;
m_data = new data_type [m_length];
} else {
m_length = 0;
m_data = NULL;
cout << "Wave " << this << " created on " << m_data << " with m_length " << m_length << endl;
cout << "Wave " << this << " destructor on " << m_data << " started ";
if (m_length) delete[] m_data;
cout << "and finished " << endl;
Wave & operator+= (const Wave wave){
cout << __FUNCTION__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " m_length " << m_length << endl;
if (NULL != m_data){
data_type * tBuf = new data_type [m_length + wave.Length()];
copy (wave.begin(),wave.end(), copy (begin(),end(),iterator(tBuf)));
cout << "Wave " << this << " data on " << m_data << " moved onto " << tBuf;
delete[] m_data;
m_data = tBuf;
cout << " and deleted" << endl;
} else {
m_data = new data_type [wave.Length()];
copy (wave.begin(), wave.end(), begin());
cout << "Wave " << this << " data created on " << m_data << " of length " << wave.Length() << endl;
m_length += wave.Length();
cout << __FUNCTION__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " m_length " << m_length << endl;
return *this;
Wave sample;
for (......) {
cout << pulseNum << "-th High part: " << pulse->first << endl;
Wave tSample(x,y);
sample += tSample;
cout << endl << pulseNum++ << "-th Low part: " << pulse->second << endl;
tSample = Wave(a,b);
sample += tSample;
Wave 0x28fe34 created on 0 with m_length 0
0-th High part: 220
Wave 0x28fe54 created on 0xc60f00 with m_length 207
operator+=:211 m_length 0
Wave 0x28fe34 data created on 0xc610a8 of length 207
operator+=:230 m_length 207
Wave 0x28fe9c destructor on 0xc60f00 started and finished
0-th Low part: 320
Wave 0x28febc created on 0xc61250 with m_length 301
Wave 0x28febc destructor on 0xc61250 started and finished
operator+=:211 m_length 207
Wave 0x28fe34 data on 0xc610a8 moved to 0xc61250 and deleted
operator+=:230 m_length 508
Wave 0x28fee0 destructor on 0xc61250 started and finished
Wave 0x28fe54 destructor on 0xc61250 started and finished