

3 回答 3


我在下面提供了两个 VHDL 函数。这是从二进制转换为压缩 BCD,反之亦然。我已经在 Xilinx Spartan 3AN 系列上验证了这些,它们可以合成。使用ieee.numeric_std.all;ieee.std_logic_1164.all;图书馆

功能1:二进制转BCD--来源 :http: //vhdlguru.blogspot.com.es/2010/04/8-bit-binary-to-bcd-converter-double.html(所以用户Peque找到了原来的url)

    function to_bcd ( bin : unsigned(7 downto 0) ) return unsigned is
        variable i : integer:=0;
        variable bcd : unsigned(11 downto 0) := (others => '0');
        variable bint : unsigned(7 downto 0) := bin;

        for i in 0 to 7 loop  -- repeating 8 times.
        bcd(11 downto 1) := bcd(10 downto 0);  --shifting the bits.
        bcd(0) := bint(7);
        bint(7 downto 1) := bint(6 downto 0);
        bint(0) :='0';

        if(i < 7 and bcd(3 downto 0) > "0100") then --add 3 if BCD digit is greater than 4.
        bcd(3 downto 0) := bcd(3 downto 0) + "0011";
        end if;

        if(i < 7 and bcd(7 downto 4) > "0100") then --add 3 if BCD digit is greater than 4.
        bcd(7 downto 4) := bcd(7 downto 4) + "0011";
        end if;

        if(i < 7 and bcd(11 downto 8) > "0100") then  --add 3 if BCD digit is greater than 4.
        bcd(11 downto 8) := bcd(11 downto 8) + "0011";
        end if;

    end loop;
    return bcd;
    end to_bcd;


    --(c)2012 Enthusiasticgeek for Stack Overflow. 
    --Use at your own risk (includes commercial usage). 
    --These functions are released in the public domain and 
    --free to use as long as this copyright notice is retained.

    --multiplication by 10 is achieved using shift operator   X<<3 + X<<1
    --input should be packed BCD.
    function to_binary ( bcd : unsigned(11 downto 0) ) return unsigned is
        variable i : integer:=0;
        variable binary : unsigned(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');  
        variable temp : unsigned(6 downto 0) := (others => '0');
        variable bcdt : unsigned(11 downto 0) := bcd;   
        variable tens : unsigned(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
        variable hundreds_stepI : unsigned(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
        variable hundreds_stepII : unsigned(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');


         for i in 0 to 11 loop  -- repeating 12 times.

         if(i >=0 and i<4) then
            binary := ((temp&bcdt(i) ) sll i ) + binary;
         end if;         

         if(i >=4 and i<8) then         
            tens := (((temp&bcdt(i) ) sll (i-4) ) sll 3) + (((temp&bcdt(i) ) sll (i-4) ) sll 1); --multiply by 10           
            binary := tens + binary;
         end if;         

         if(i >=8 and i<12) then         
            hundreds_stepI := (((temp&bcdt(i) ) sll (i-8) ) sll 3) + (((temp&bcdt(i) ) sll (i-8) ) sll 1); --multiply by 10
            hundreds_stepII := (hundreds_stepI sll 3) + (hundreds_StepI sll 1); -- multiply by 10 again so the effect is now multiply by 100                
            binary := hundreds_stepII + binary;
         end if;

         end loop;     

       return binary;
    end to_binary;

注意:您可以使用以下链接中的信息将整数转换为无符号数,将整数转换为 std_logic

于 2012-12-03T17:02:27.400 回答



  • 查找表是一种选择
  • 一个大的 case 语句是另一个(它将变成一个查找表)
  • 或者一种迭代方法,您不断减去 10 直到余数 < 10 - 减法计数是您的十位数,余数是您的个位数。
于 2012-10-18T10:15:40.857 回答



基本上,您所做的是为 BCD 表示创建一个寄存器,将其放在整数表示的“左侧”。这是一个示例,我们希望将数字转换23为其 BCD 表示形式:

BCD_1  BCD_0      Original
0000   0000       10111

现在创建一个 for 循环,在其中将原始位向左移动(将这些位推入 BCD 寄存器)。在这个循环中,您必须检查每个BCD_X数字是否大于 4;在这种情况下,您将 3 添加到该数字:

shift_iteration   BCD_1  BCD_0      Original
0                 0000   0000       10111
1                 0000   0001       01110       (no digit greater than 4)
2                 0000   0010       11100       (no digit greater than 4)
3                 0000   0101       11000       (5 in BCD_0! we add 3...)
still 3...        0000   1000       11000       (after addition, shift again)
4                 0001   0001       10000       (no digit greater than 4)
5                 0010   0011       00000       (no digit greater than 4)

一旦将所有原始位推入 BCD 寄存器(使用+3任何数字大于 4 时的规则),BCD 表示0010 0011(23)。

有关更多详细信息,请参阅维基百科文章。您甚至可以找到 VHDL 实现的示例。

于 2015-05-10T20:19:30.983 回答