// generate random ID
function generateRandomID ($len) {
//To Pull Unique Random Values Out Of AlphaNumeric
//removed number 0, capital o, number 1 and small L
//Total: keys = 32, elements = 33
$characters = array(
//make an "empty container" or array for our keys
$keys = array();
//first count of $keys is empty so "1", remaining count is 1-6 = total 7 times
while(count($keys) < $len) {
//"0" because we use this to FIND ARRAY KEYS which has a 0 value
//"-1" because were only concerned of number of keys which is 32 not 33
//count($characters) = 33
$x = mt_rand(0, count($characters)-1);
if(!in_array($x, $keys)) {
$keys[] = $x;
foreach($keys as $key){
$random_chars .= $characters[$key];
return $random_chars;