I've created a facebook app, and authorized a user (my personal facebook account) to the app with the 'publish_stream' and 'offline_access' permissions.

Using my access token, I can post status updates to my wall (USER_ID/feed) when I include a "message" parameter by itself.

Example: https://graph.facebook.com/USER_ID/feed?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN&message=Test

However, I need my app to post additional data, such as a link to the page which the user is sharing. No problem, right? Per the spec, I just need to include a "link" parameter with the post to the graph api.

The problem is that, as soon as I include the "link" parameter, the post never shows up on my wall! And to make matters worse, the graph api returns a post ID as if everything was ok!

Example: https://graph.facebook.com/USER_ID/feed?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN&message=Test&link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com

What in the world am I missing here?


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