当(管理)用户设置日期时,我有一个更新的 cronjob。cronjob 设置正确,因为它在 cronjob 列表中显示如下(在 cPanel 上):
lynx -source http://www.example.com/dynam_code/autoscripts/expenseClaims.php?do=notify&date=1350252000&final=1350338400
这是 cronjob 创建脚本:
$output = shell_exec('crontab -l');
$jobs = explode(PHP_EOL,$output);
$minute = '00';
$hour = '09';
$day = date('j',strtotime($_GET['reminder']));
$month = date('n',strtotime($_GET['reminder']));
for($i = 0; $i < count($jobs); $i++) {
if(strpos($jobs[$i],'http://intra.vceza.com/dynam_code/autoscripts/expenseClaims.php?do=notify') !== false)
$jobs[$i] = $minute.' '.$hour.' '.$day.' '.$month.' * lynx -source http://intra.vceza.com/dynam_code/autoscripts/expenseClaims.php?do=notify&date='.strtotime($_GET['done']).'&final='.strtotime($_GET['approved']);
foreach($jobs as $key => $value) {
if($value == "") {
$jobs = array_values($jobs);
$jobs[] = "";
$output = implode(PHP_EOL,$jobs);
file_put_contents('/tmp/crontab.txt', $output);
exec('crontab /tmp/crontab.txt',$output,$return);
此 cronjob 会触发一个邮件脚本,该脚本会根据这些日期向整个公司发送邮件。当脚本自动运行时,它会将所有日期显示为 1970 年 1 月 1 日。但是,当我从 cron 作业复制该 PHP 文件的路径并运行它时,它会发出正确的日期。
if($_GET['do'] == 'notify') {
$time = $_GET['date'];
$day = date('l',$time);
$date = date('j F Y',$time);
$final = date('j F Y',$_GET['final']);
$to = 'people@example.com';
$str = "Expense Claims";
$html_data = '<html><head><title>'.$str.'</title></head><body style="font-family:Calibri, Arial; font-size:15px">Good day all,<br/><br/>Please take note that all Expense Claim should be completed on the intraweb by ' . $day . ' morning <b>' . $date . ' before 9am.</b><br/><br/>All supervisors should approve claims by Friday morning <b>' . $final . ' before 9am.</b> <br/><br/>All slips and supporting documents should be handed in by Friday morning <b>' . $final . ' before 9am</b>. Bear in mind that it is the sole responsibility of the claimee to hand in his/her slips or supporting documents.<br/><br/><span style="color:red">Please take note that Expense Claims will only reach the Finance Department if <b>submitted and approved on time.</b> Claims not submitted or approved on time will only be processed in the following month.</span><br /><br/>Kind regards,<br/>JD</body></html>';
$mime = new MIME_mail("John Doe <jd@example.com>", $to, $str);
$mime->attach($html_data,$str, HTML, BASE64);
我不知道问题是什么,我已经尝试过查看代码。就像我说的,如果我手动运行它,它就可以工作。如果 cronjob 运行它,它不会。